SmartDraw makes creating a planogram easy with built-in templates and symbols you can drag-and-drop onto your layout. For example, you'll often find sugary kid-centric cereals on the bottom shelves while healthy, high-fiber ones will be placed higher. Their lower level placement may even make it easier for children to grab products to add to their parents' carts. However, products on the bottom shelf may be eye-level for children. This tool allows you to unify displays across the chain, optimize shelf spacing, and scale the process of planogram generation. Products placed at eye-level may sell better than products placed on the bottom shelf. With LEAFIO’s planograms software reate an automated display sorted by parameters like sales and customer preferences: brands, price, sizes, etc. For example, stores will first group all bread-like products in the same aisle and then will often place peanut butter, jelly and other condiments in the same place to help remind shoppers to stock up on those items at the same time. GoPlanogram A Cloud-Based, Interactive Planogramming Solution Explore Features Free Demo Your browser does not support the video tag.

Making a planogram is a delicate balance of logical organization such as grouping items in the same category and taking advantage of consumer behavior and psychology to expose them to new or highly profitable products, and increasing sales by using cross-selling techniques and triggering impulse buy behaviors.